Custom website image and description for Facebook Share

If you share a link of a website on Facebook, then Facebook will display the title, description and an image of that website. If you are a webmaster, then you can define what will be shown on Facebook. Let’s have a look at my example:

<title>Der Blog von Benny Neugebauer</title>
<meta name="description" content="Benny Neugebauer schreibt in seinem Blog über Tipps und Tricks in der Webentwicklung. Zu den Themen zählen JavaScript, Java, PHP, HTML5, SEO und Photoshop." />
<meta name="medium" content="blog" />
<link rel="image_src" href="" / >


  1. Facebook will show the standard HTML title of your webpage.
  2. You can set description, which will be shown. It can be 160 characters long but to be compatible with the Google search, it should not be longer than 130 characters.
  3. It is recommended to determine the type of your website. Possible values are: audio, image, video, blog, news and mult (multiple).
  4. Finally you can set a thumbnail picture for your website. The size should be 100×100 pixels.

Here is the final result of my customization:

More information can be found in the Facebook Share documentation.