Wer XAMPP benutzt und mit phpMyAdmin versucht eine Datenbank zu löschen, der wird eventuell die Meldung: "DROP DATABASE" - Anweisungen wurden deaktiviert.
erhalten. Ist das der Fall, muss man in der Datei C:\xampp\phpMyAdmin\config.inc.php
folgende Zeile hinzugefügt werden: $cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase'] = true;
. Danach muss der Apache -und MySQL-Server neu gestartet werden.
Schlagwort: database
Insert only in specific columns with MySQL
If you have a big MySQL table and you want to insert data only in specific columns, then you can do this with naming the columns in parentheses after the table name:
INSERT INTO `wp_posts`(`post_author`,`post_content`,`post_title`,`post_date`) VALUES (0,'Hello World','Text...',NOW()); |
This works even without apostrophes:
INSERT INTO wp_posts(post_author,post_content,post_title,post_date) VALUES (0,'Hello World','Text...',NOW()); |
Connecting to a MySQL Database with Java (JDBC)
In the beginning of my study time I’ve programmed a MySQL connection in Java for a music collection. After 2 years now I have made a remake of [post id=816]this code[/post] to show how to use the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). All you need is mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar.
I’ve written a small sample for the connection with a WordPress database.
Connecting to a MySQL Database with Java (JDBC) weiterlesen
How to create a WordPress plugin with a custom database table
You can create a custom table for the data of your WordPress plugin if you hook on the plugin activation. This has the effect that your custom table will be created if you activate the plugin in the WordPress backend. I created a sample code to show you how this works.
How to create a WordPress plugin with a custom database table weiterlesen