Create GraphML XML files that can be used in the yEd Graph Editor

In my article „Create GraphML XML file with Java“ I showed how to write a Graph to a GraphML-compatible XML file. Now I want to show you how you can write a GraphML-compatible file that can be used in the yEd Graph Editor to get visualized later.
Create GraphML XML files that can be used in the yEd Graph Editor weiterlesen

Reset NetBeans Editor formatting preferences

If you want to set your NetBeans Editior formatting preferences to default, then just go to your NetBeans user directory (e.g. C:\Users\bennyn\.netbeans) and delete all files you can find in the „Editors“ folder (e.g. C:\Users\bennyn\.netbeans\7.1\config\Editors). Your settings will be then reset.

Webseite mit JavaScript bearbeiten

Möchte man eine Webseite direkt im Browser bearbeiten, so reicht es, wenn man folgenden JavaScript-Code in die Adresszeile des Browsers eingibt und ausführt:

JavaScript Live-Editor:

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';document.designMode='on';void 0